Alternative Dispute Resolution / Conciliation and arbitration proceedings

We pro­vi­de you with com­pre­hen­si­ve sup­port in resol­ving cons­truc­tion law dis­pu­tes – both befo­re sta­te courts and in alter­na­ti­ve dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on pro­ce­e­dings. Our expe­ri­en­ced lawy­ers are fre­quent­ly appoin­ted as media­tors and arbi­tra­tors and regu­lar­ly con­tri­bu­te their cons­truc­tion law exper­ti­se as par­ty repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in con­ci­lia­ti­on and arbi­tra­ti­on proceedings.

We have exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in various forms of alter­na­ti­ve dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on, in particular

  • Con­ci­lia­ti­on pro­ce­e­dings in accordance with VSS stan­dard 41 510;
  • Arbi­tra­ti­on pro­ce­e­dings in accordance with Swiss Rules, ICC Rules and SIA Stan­dard 150;
  • Cons­truc­tion law-specific ad hoc con­ci­lia­ti­on and arbi­tra­ti­on proceedings.

The auto­no­my of the par­ties in alter­na­ti­ve dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on pro­ce­du­res enables opti­mal adap­t­ati­on to the spe­cial fea­tures of cons­truc­tion dis­pu­tes, in particular

  • Appoint­ment of tech­ni­cal experts to the con­ci­lia­ti­on body and the arbi­tra­ti­on tribunal;
  • Multi-stage dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on pro­ce­du­re, if neces­sa­ry with con­ci­lia­ti­on or urgent decla­ra­to­ry pro­ce­e­dings during construction;
  • Exten­ded powers of the arbi­tra­ti­on tri­bu­nal to deter­mi­ne the facts of the case with redu­ced requi­re­ments for the par­ties’ submissions.

We have been a mem­ber of the Swiss Arbi­tra­ti­on Asso­cia­ti­on (ASA) sin­ce 2024. This under­lines our exper­ti­se in the field of alter­na­ti­ve dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on and enables us to exch­an­ge ide­as with lea­ding experts.