Public building law / Public procurement law / Environmental law

We advi­se you in all mat­ters of public law that ari­se in con­nec­tion with your cons­truc­tion pro­ject. In par­ti­cu­lar, we advi­se and repre­sent you in the fol­lo­wing areas:

  • Cons­truc­tion per­mit pro­ce­du­res and sub­se­quent appeals,
  • Ten­de­ring procedures,
  • Pro­ce­e­dings regar­ding the pro­tec­tion of histo­ri­cal monu­ments (listed buil­ding reno­va­tions, inven­to­ry releases, etc.),
  • Envi­ron­men­tal law pro­ce­e­dings (con­ta­mi­na­ted sites, noi­se pro­tec­tion, Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Assess­ment (EIA), etc.),
  • Expro­pria­ti­on pro­ce­e­dings and plan­ning appr­oval procedures.

We repre­sent all par­ties invol­ved in cons­truc­tion and plan­ning law: plan­ners, pri­va­te and public employers, neigh­bors and asso­cia­ti­ons. In ten­de­ring pro­ce­du­res, we repre­sent bidders and awar­ding bodies.

Addi­to­nal­ly, we are a mem­ber of the Swiss Asso­cia­ti­on for Public Pro­cu­re­ment (SVöB) sin­ce Febru­ary 2024.

The pur­po­se of the SVöB is to con­tri­bu­te to the deve­lo­p­ment of public pro­cu­re­ment. In par­ti­cu­lar, it aims to pro­mo­te coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween all tho­se inte­re­sted in public pro­cu­re­ment in Switz­er­land and inter­na­tio­nal­ly, faci­li­ta­te the exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on, and con­tri­bu­te to the trai­ning and the pro­mo­ti­on of sci­ence by pro­vi­ding a forum for expert discussion.

The SVöB aims to enhan­ce public pro­cu­re­ment through con­fe­ren­ces, mee­tings and publi­ca­ti­ons. Fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment is to be pro­mo­ted through deba­tes bet­ween experts from all inte­re­sted par­ties and stakeholders.