Strategic consulting and controlling

We sup­port you from the ear­ly stages of stra­te­gic plan­ning, preli­mi­na­ry stu­dies, and pro­ject plan­ning in all orga­nizatio­nal, ope­ra­tio­nal, and con­trac­tu­al mat­ters. As neu­tral and inde­pen­dent con­sul­tants, we help you lay the foun­da­ti­ons for the inte­gral and suc­cessful imple­men­ta­ti­on of your pro­ject goals. Tog­e­ther, we set the cour­se for a suc­cessful and low-risk project.

In ongo­ing pro­jects, we are always on hand with our exper­ti­se for con­trol­ling, revie­w­ing, and impro­ving pro­ject struc­tures. We can draw on many years of expe­ri­ence nego­tia­ting pro­ject chan­ges and amend­ments, and arbi­t­ra­ting fee- and con­trac­tu­al disputes.

Our acti­vi­ties include in particular:

  • Advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of dif­fe­rent pro­ject orga­nizati­ons (indi­vi­du­al plan­ners, gene­ral plan­ners, plan­ning con­sor­tia, con­sor­tia, indi­vi­du­al ser­vice pro­vi­ders, total con­trac­tor and gene­ral con­trac­tor mandates,
  • Pro­ject orga­nizatio­nal struc­tu­re and team constellation,
  • Scope of work, lia­bi­li­ty, risks and their remuneration,
  • Delinea­ti­on of ser­vices of con­sor­tia and plan­ning consortia,
  • Advice and/or con­trol­ling of fees and gene­ral plan­ner offers,
  • Orga­nizati­on and con­tract manage­ment for com­plex gene­ral plan­ning teams,
  • Revie­w­ing draft con­tracts (com­pe­ti­ti­ons, pri­va­te cli­ents, employers),
  • Con­sul­ting on nego­tia­ti­ons and fee systems
  • Fee models (assess­ment, deli­mi­ta­ti­on, bonus/malus),
  • Pro­ject con­trol­ling (con­tracts, ser­vices, fees, and cla­im management),
  • Con­flict manage­ment and mediation,
  • Advice with a cons­truc­tion eco­no­mics and busi­ness perspective.