Lorenz Oetiker

Lorenz Oeti­ker, MLaw
Att­or­ney at Law
LL.M. in Com­pa­ra­ti­ve and Inter­na­tio­nal Dis­pu­te Resolution


Lorenz Oeti­ker spe­cia­li­zes in the pro­ce­du­ral enforce­ment of pri­va­te law claims befo­re Swiss courts and inter­na­tio­nal arbi­tra­ti­on tri­bu­nals. He advi­ses and liti­ga­tes on con­tract law, par­ti­cu­lar­ly on con­trac­tor agree­ments and man­da­te law, cons­truc­tion and plan­ning law, debt enforce­ment and bank­rupt­cy law. He has been a Seni­or Asso­cia­te at PMP Att­or­neys at Law sin­ce 2022.

Lorenz Oeti­ker gra­dua­ted sum­ma cum lau­de from the Facul­ty of Law of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich in 2014. In addi­ti­on to his legal trai­ning, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Busi­ness Admi­ni­stra­ti­on from the Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Gal­len (sum­ma cum lau­de). In 2020, Lorenz Oeti­ker also obtai­ned a Master’s degree in Eng­lish with distinc­tion from Queen Mary Uni­ver­si­ty of Lon­don, focu­sing on inter­na­tio­nal arbi­tra­ti­on, inclu­ding cons­truc­tion arbitration.

After working as a law clerk at the District Court of Uster, Lorenz Oeti­ker was admit­ted to the bar of the Can­ton of Zurich in 2016. He then work­ed as a lawy­er in a law firm in Baden and for more than five years in the liti­ga­ti­on team of a renow­ned Zurich com­mer­cial law firm.

Lorenz Oeti­ker is a mem­ber of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Asso­cia­ti­ons. He is admit­ted to prac­ti­ce befo­re all Swiss courts and authorities.


  • The Case for Less Rest­ric­ti­ve Form Requi­re­ments: Did Switz­er­land Miss a Chan­ce to Libe­ra­li­ze Its Form Requi­re­ment for the Arbi­tra­ti­on Agree­ment? In: Arbi­tra­ti­on: The Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Arbi­tra­ti­on, Media­ti­on and Dis­pu­te Manage­ment, Volu­me 87, Issue 3 (2021)
  • Incre­a­sing trans­pa­ren­cy in Third Par­ty Fun­ding in Switz­er­land, in: Inter­na­tio­nal Dis­pu­tes Digest published by CMS, Decem­ber 2021 (mit Ste­pha­nie Woods und Os Agarwal)

Lan­guages: Ger­man and English